Enrolment Enquiry Form Skillset Senior College will be on school holidays from Monday, 30 September to Monday, 14 October. If you submit an enrolment enquiry during the holiday period, our Enrolment Officer will be in contact after the break. Spam protection, skip this field Please note that this form is only an enquiry and does not guarantee enrolment Which campus are you wanting to enrol the student? * Choose Bathurst Campus Dubbo Campus Parent or Carer Information Parent / Carer First Name: * Parent / Carer Last Name: * Mobile Number:* Phone Number: (optional) Email Address: * Street Address:* Suburb:* State:* Post Code:* Student Information First Name:* Middle Name: (optional) Last Name:* Date Of Birth:* Pronouns: * Choose He/Him She/Her They/Them Other Do not wish to disclose Is the student Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Yes No Current School Year:* Enrolment Year: * Choose Year 10 Year 11 Current School:* Other Information Reason for enrolment (please tell us in 200 words or less why you would like to enrol this student in Skillset Senior College)*