Skillset Senior College Covid Update – Oct 8th, 2021

Dear Skillset Senior College Community,

We are excited to announce our return to face to face learning.

All being well over the next week, we will have a staggered response to our return: 

  • On the 18th of October we will welcome Year 12 back for a week of study and will have the opportunity to farewell them in style.
  • On the 25th of October we will welcome Year 10 and 11 back to face to face learning.

Thank you for your patience and support as we adjust to the changing landscape. We will remain on Level 3 guidelines including masks, sanitising and social distancing. As before, we ask that if your student is unwell, or has been in contact with a known or suspected case of Covid-19, that they remain at home and follow health advice, including having a Covid test.

During Week 3 (18th – 22nd October) we will continue to connect with our Year 10 & 11 students online, and Tribe leaders will contact students daily.

Looking forward to seeing you all face to face. Feel welcome to contact me if you have any concerns regarding the return to school.

Warmest wishes,


Head of College


If you have any concerns regarding this update or wish to contact the College for further information, please call 1300 167 794.