Skillset Senior College Covid Update – Sept. 15th 2021
Dear Skillset Senior College Community,
I hope this message finds you and your families safe and well. Thank you for your ongoing support and contribution to our small but mighty school.
The NSW government recently published a “roadmap to return to face-to-face learning” and made the announcement of a revised HSC timetable, with exams starting in November. These provide some guidance for a potential return to onsite learning for our students during Term 4, 2021. Ultimately, our planning remains contingent upon low levels of COVID-19 transmission within communities, but it is positive to think that we may be back on campus before the end of the school year.
When the time is right, we will make arrangements for students to return to school as soon as practical, while observing Level Three guidelines. These guidelines include greater separation of classes and year levels than was required prior to this current lockdown. Movement around the campus is reduced to a minimum and most nonessential activities prohibited. Much as we were observing prior to lockdown, in indoor settings in schools, masks or face coverings are required for all staff, and all students.
For our Year 12 graduating students, the planned completion of HSC exams on 3 December offers some challenges in planning our usual graduation celebrations. The format of these events will be determined by the restrictions in place at the time, however we are committed to celebrating with our Year 12 students and will ensure that we do so in a Covid-safe way, recognising their hard work and achievements. Likewise, we will give consideration to our end-of-year graduation ceremony and release plans for this much closer to the event.
I thank our staff, across all aspects of the College for their current work and the ongoing commitment to ensure quality learning continues regardless of circumstances. I remain grateful for the continued support of our families throughout this pandemic and would welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have. Please contact me at any time.
Abbey Barrett,
Head of College
If you have any concerns regarding this update or wish to contact the College for further information, please call 1300 167 794.